Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue is therapy provided in a humanistic, non-judgemental, confidential safe space, to help deal with emotional, psychological and social wellbeing issues. 

Our therapy looks at the whole person, the uniqueness of each individual.  Having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values and dignity.  

Offering client centred therapy which operates according to the
person-centred model where each of our therapists are congruent
with the client, provide the client with unconditional positive regard
and understands that each person is a unique individual who is able
to choose and control how they want their care and support to be


Single Session Therapy+

Help at point of need.  Beyond Blue provides single session therapy, offering walk-in or same week appointments.  Working with clients on what they want to work on in that moment.  Single Session Therapy+ is £60 for a 30 to 75 minute counselling. Using the Windy Dryden. Ph.D CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) method.


“Without the continued help and support I have received from my counsellor at Beyond Blue, I don’t think I would be here today. Their help has been ‘the glue’ that has enabled me to start piecing my life gradually back together again, after reaching breaking point!

The continued support has meant, when pieces started to fall apart again, I still had ‘the glue’ helping me to put them back in place and not reach breaking point again.

It’s a long process and I think I will always need some counselling support… I have continuous pain medication prescribed for my long-term health condition, but NHS mental health support is mainly limited to 6 sessions and extremely hard to get. It seems accepted, by the NHS, physical health needs long term medication, but mental health counselling is expected to ‘cure you’ in 6 sessions.

I received support from Beyond Blue quicker than the NHS and they have provided me with long term support, which, is what I need.

More counsellors, like those at Beyond Blue, are essential. However, I do understand more funding is needed to help provide the essential service they offer. I do hope they will be able to secure more funding, so they can continue to help individuals like myself and others like me, in the future.

I will be eternally grateful for their continued help and support.”

D.N. Beyond Blue client (Aug 23)

The service includes talking therapy and integrative counselling around mental health for communities and individuals in Sandwell. Beyond Blue specialises in therapeutic support for:


If you think your child or family might need some extra support with their mental health. Beyond Blue provides a confidential helpline, email, webchat, telephone and one-to-one counselling service for children.

  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Bereavement
  • Relationships
  • Personality disorders
  • Mindfulness
  • Youth Offending
  • Trauma (including complex)
Young Adults

Beyond Blue offers telephone, text messaging, webchat, one-to-one and group therapy sessions, available to young people aged 25 years old and under.  Our aim is to support individuals by listening to your problems and helping you find ways to cope in a confidential, safe space.

  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Bereavement 
  • Mindfulness
  • Relationships
  • Personality disorders
  • Youth Offending
  • Trauma (including complex)

Beyond Blue provides a safe and sensitive place for women to work through their difficulties.  We deliver an increasing range of effective psychotherapeutic – mental health services with a focus on trauma, continuing to work in partnership with others.

  • Mental health
  • Relationships
  • Trauma (including complex)
  • Addictions
  • Bereavement
  • Confidence issues
  • Parenting
  • Domestic violence
  • Personality disorders/traits
  • Psychosis
  • Health issues – diagnosis support
  • Anger management

It has long been recognised that men often find it difficult to talk.  Rather than seek help, many choose to struggle alone, repeating past mistakes and living with unresolved issues.

Beyond Blue offers support to men of all ages, backgrounds and cultures in a safe environment over the telephone, one to one, group therapy, or webchat.  Providing a listening, non-judgemental ear for men who need to be heard.

  • Trauma (including complex)
  • Relationships
  • Mental health
  • Addictions
  • Bereavement
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Domestic violence
  • Anger management
  • Parenting
  • Health issues – diagnosis support
  • Confidence issues

The gaining of the UK population is well documented.  The Importance of mental health care for older people as an area of public policy has also been recognised by Government, the under-detection of mental illness in older people having been identified as a key issue.

Beyond Blue provides group counselling for nursing home residents and home-based individual counselling for community-dwelling older people.  Using a proactive approach to the identification of psychological problems in older people, ensuring that problems are not left untreated.  Providing support for the elderly who are suffering from mental health issues, or just need to talk.  

  • Mental Health
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Trauma (including complex)
  • Relationships
  • Wellbeing
  • Mindfulness
  • Health issues diagnosis support

Stress is one of the most common reasons for long term sickness absence.  It costs UK employers billions each year and often employers can struggle to know how best to support someone who is suffering from stress or anxiety to re-join the workplace.

Demand for mental health services is increasing, with more than three-quarters of employers requesting mental health and wellbeing support since the crisis.  It is anticipated that the pandemic will have a serious impact on bereaved people, with demand for bereavement care rising by over 75%.

  • Trauma (including complex)
  • Mental health
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Bereavement
  • Relationships
  • Health issues – diagnosis support
  • Work related issues

Relationship counselling, is counselling provided in a caring, supportive and non-judgemental environment. To help you find a way through any difficulties you may be facing in your relationship(s).

Together we will first clarify the issues or problems you are facing in your relationship(s).

Delivering relationship counselling through one or more 50 minute sessions with you and your partner or relative, or with you alone if preferred.

Severe Mental Illness

Counselling and psychotherapy sessions for those with severe mental illness (SMI) who need to understand their conditions better and learn techniques on how to manage severe mental illness.

For those with a diagnosed severe mental illness Beyond Blue offers free advice and support with:

  • welfare rights
  • help with budgeting
  • energy advice
  • disability benefits
  • welfare grants
  • debt advice and referral for specialist dept support


Military & Ex Military
  • Feeling cut off from life
  • Losing your temper more often
  • Having unwanted memories of traumatic experiences
  • Avoiding things that you would like to be part of your life
  • Having unwanted terrible thoughts
  • Feeling anxious or having panic attacks
  • Finding it hard to sleep
  • Feeling on edge and easily irritable
  • Having nightmares or flashbacks
  • Feeling extremely alert – always on the lookout for danger
  • Finding it difficult to trust others
  • Struggling with feeling of shame or guilt
  • Finding it difficult to control your emotions
  • Feeling you are worthless or a bad person
Family mediation

Family mediation applies the basic principles of mediation to the resolution of issues that arise in families.

Beyond Blue provides a neutral safe space to assist disputing family members, in order to resolve their disagreement, by facilitating their discussions and guiding them appropriately.


Using Applied Behavioural Analysis ABA therapy specifically designed for individuals with autism and is considered the gold standard in autism treatment since it addresses a broad range of skills, from communication and socialisation to reducing challenging behaviours.

Beyond Blue also uses ‘The Girl with the Curly Hair’ method specifically with children.  This method helps individuals on the autistic spectrum and the people around them, founded by autistic author Alis Rowe. We use cool things like animated films, stories, comic strips and diagrams to make our work interesting and easy to understand!

Asylum Seekers

Asylum seekers and refugees are at particular risk of mental health problems.  These may develop because of experiences in their countries of origin, during their journey, or after they arrive in the UK.

They face many barriers to achieving and sustaining good mental health, as their pre-post migration experiences place them at higher risk of experiencing mental health problems, which can even lead to suicidal feelings and actions.

Beyond Blue provides:

Therapy, using a trauma-informed approach

Support, reducing financial and housing stressors through direct support or signposting.

Employment, reducing barriers to work and training.

Education, reducing barriers to thriving in education.

Preventative mental health programmes.

Improving accessibility of public services.

Suicide prevention


Our professional team supports all ages, issues, personal, couples, family, in a safe, supportive and understanding environment.  Offering telephone, face to face, text messaging, group therapy and online therapy.

We offer a 24hr support linę/text message service for our clients in crisis.

Please download our Beyond Blue Booklet for more information about us:

Beyond Blue Booklet

Please download our referral forms and email to:

BB referral form 13:11:23

BB relationship therapy referral form 13:11:23

Our policies & procedures:

Safeguarding Children Policies & Procedures 2024

Safeguarding Adults Policies and Guidelines 2024

Data Protection Policy 2024

Severe Mental Illness Support
Grieving the loss of a child